Our Repairs Procedure

Important - please ensure you read in full

Why This Procedure Is Critical

Following this procedure is crucial for the safety of our staff, the integrity of our repair process, and the efficient handling of your equipment. Our workshop handles sensitive medical equipment that requires careful handling and decontamination to prevent cross-contamination and ensure accurate diagnostics.

Failure to adhere to this procedure compromises these standards and puts our staff at risk. Therefore, if this procedure is not followed correctly, we will be unable to accept your equipment at our workshop. Any equipment sent without following these guidelines will be returned to you without inspection, potentially delaying your repair and incurring additional shipping costs. Your cooperation ensures we can provide you with the best possible service while maintaining our high standards of safety and quality.

Important Notices

  • The £65+VAT inspection fee is waived if a repair or replacement is accepted.
  • All service/repair work carries a 12-month Warranty.
  • We may recommend a replacement at a preferential rate if your unit is beyond repair.
  • We rarely diagnose faults by telephone, which is why this procedure is crucial.
  • Failure to follow this process may result in delays in servicing your equipment, potential refusal of service, additional fees, and return of your equipment without inspection.

Please Read and Acknowledge the Following:

  1. Decontamination/Cleaning
    • You MUST decontaminate/clean the product before sending it to us.
    • Failure to clean the unit appropriately will result in a £15 fee added to your bill.
    • Follow these decontamination levels:
      • Level 3 (Low-Level Contamination): Use a soft cloth dampened with Antibacterial Surface Cleanser.
      • Level 2 (Medium-Level Contamination): Clean with a solution of Milton diluted at 1 part Milton 2% to 20 parts water.
      • Level 1 (High-Level Contamination): Must be decontaminated by a specialist company with a certificate included.

  1. Complete and Sign the Declaration of Decontamination (Page 2 of Returns Form)

  2. Describe the Fault
    • Include a detailed description of the fault noted.

  3. Sending the Item
    • Send ONLY THE FAULTY PART in a padded envelope/small box.
    • Include the completed form (download below) and your compliments slip.
    • Use the address label provided on page 2 of the returns form.
  4. Shipping Method
    • We strongly recommend using Recorded or Special Delivery service.

  5. Inspection and Approval Process
    • After initial inspection (fee £65+ VAT), we will email you a full report and a REPAIR APPROVAL & ORDER FORM.
    • This form must be completed and signed by a person with authority to approve the repair.

Download Returns Form

By downloading this returns form I confirm that I have read, understood, and agree to follow the repairs procedure as outlined.

I acknowledge that failure to do so may result in my equipment being returned without inspection, additional fees, or refusal of service.